This festival started on May 22 and is open until May 31. It is told that one of the biggest gastronimic events in Czech. During my three day stay in Prague, the weather was very nice and hot. The event starts from 15:00 until 26:00 for week days, on weekends from 10:00. I did not have a chance to go there for weekends or I could have had a problem to find a place to sit, maybe.
Each tent (there are six tents) has a different kind of sausage in its front. I am not really interested in that, it is almost the same as in Austria... And each tent has a different menu, line-ups of beer.
Special coin for this festival, 5 Tolar = 200 Kc (1 Euro 28-32 Kc) One 500ml Bier für 1 Tolar.
このイベント用に特別なコインが用意されている。5トラーが200チェコクローナ。(1ユーロが28~32クローナ) 500mlのビールは1トラーで買える。
I found a bier mag for non-drinker at souvenir shop ;) They even look very comfortable hanging under the blue sky.
Whole beef and pork are rotating comfortably there. ;)
牛と豚の丸焼きも気持ちよさそうに回っている。 ;)
Kan pai!
A very useful Japanese phrase, "Toriaezu biiru de" (beer for the moment) will never work here. Although you have mastered Czech phrase such as "pivo prosim", you will just receive a long long list of which kind of beer you want. Here is the menu from the first tent.
This beer ice cream, I should have tried it.
I went to the festival three times during three days, it can be also called every day.