Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hong Kong 香港

I joined in a group where we can learn investment with other members under two leaders. A tour to Hong Kong was first planned in August. I wanted to be there after my stay in Aomori, but the schedule was changed and I missed the one. On my second chance, I decided to join in the tour held in November.


Waling in the streets, I got clear feeling that the city is moving dynamically. There is nothing like that in any European city.



Having a great view toward Hong Kong island, I sat on a bench and felt very relaxed and read a book, whenever I got hunger I set out to find some delicious food and enjoyed them.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Neputa 2014 Goshogawara ねぷた祭 2014 五所川原市

This Neputa is famous for its size. Standing figure is built on the base, it is 23m tall. The city built a special building to keep the Neputa and made it a museum. After some years' absence, they started again this festival. They rebuilt electric wires in the city along the Neputa course for this huge Neputa. Every year they build a new one, and abandon the oldest one.


My friend prepared a very nice place to watch the Neputa on the roof of a fish market and gorgious dinner.


Usually we should be able to enjoy three big Neputas, but due to the weather forecast? only one of them was on the street. Pity. First they let all out from the building and then gave two of them into the building again.


Instead of this unluck, there were still some relatively big Neputas. The 23m tall Neputa is taller than most of the building around there, Neputa's head can be seen from us. When it came across the corner and appeared again, it was something unreal.


Neputa 2014 Goshogawara

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Neputa 2014 Hirosaki ねぷた祭 2014 弘前市

It was raining this day.  Maybe because of the rain, we were lucky to find free seats for us in front of Hirosaki station.


As Nebuta festival in Aomori city, which is the famous one, people are marching saying "Lasse- lasse- lasse- laaa" but here they say more aggressive and in masculine tone "Yaaa yaaa yaaa daaa".
In Aomori city, they have Haneto (hopper, jumper) who wares actually like girl, and this is actually the difference between Nebuta in Aomori and Heputa in Hirosaki.


Hirosaki Neputa 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Nebuta 2014 Aomori ねぶた祭 2014 青森市

On the sidewalk, there were lots of temporal seats built for watching Nebuta.


Nebuta in the night looks much more gorgious, they march along the six lane street wanderung side to side to show off themselves to closedly packed guests on the both sides of the street.


Aomori Nebuta 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Neputa 2014 Hirakawa ねぶた祭 2014 平川市

My volunteer friend who came to see me in Sendai asked me if I want to visit Aomori in Nebuta time, when I was in Japan in last January. I said yes.


Nebuta is one of the three biggest summer festivals in Tohoku. But I did not know well about it. There are lots of towns and cities and the one held in Aomori city is so-to-say representative of all these.


My friend lives in Hirakawa city, to Aomori city is just 40 km. He arranged seats in Aomori city, Hirosaki city, Goshogawara city.


Neputas (pronunciation is slightly different from city to city) in Hirakawa are mostlry so called fan-shaped, they are built so that the top part can be fold to pass electric wires around crossing.


We enjoyed around 20 Neputas on Ohayashi-music.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year Concert 2014 ニューイヤーコンサート2014

My Hungarian teacher got a baby and had a party in last December. There I got to know a woman via my teachers husband who plays viola at the Volksoper Symphony Orchestra. I asked her if she knew my friend whom I got to know in the plane back to Japan just before the New Year 2008 who invited me to the New Year concert by Volksoper Symphony Orchestra in Nagoya. They were friends.


What a small world it is!


She told me that she will arrange a ticket for me, but with some troubles she was not able to contact me via email; she lost a piece of paper I gave her with my email address, she asked our friend (teacher's husband) to forward her email to me, and the email was first forwarded to me on January 4th.


I actually booked the concert ticket, too. I wanted to go there because my friend from 2008 would sing soprano again.


This time, two men and two women danced after music. It was a great concert.


After the concert, I met my friends out of the concert hall, them went to dinner with other band members, too. It was really fun.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Celebration in Japan 日本の年越し

I had not been to Japan for 4 years for the New Year. Every year I was tired to hear fireworks with count down, messy street with litters and broken bottles on the New Year's day. This is the same in whole Europe.


For my French and Hungarian lesson, in last December, I wrote in the language how we prepare for the New Year in Japan. I let my teachers correct my text, but maybe they did not understand what I wanted to write; I know it is very hard, if they do not have similar idea in their culture.


In Europe, devil is always bad and the God is always good. In Japan this is not so easy; Oni, Japanese devil or demon is not always evil or bad. There are lots of Gods who did something very bad. There are demons work with human beings, or gods to eat human beings. The God in Europe is rather to admire and worship, in Japan to have fear and thankfulness at the same time. Buddha is rather treated similar to European God.


Churches in Europe and temples in Japan have a similar role in our life. But there is nothing like Japanese shrine which is the symbol of Shinto. This can also enshrine soul of (evil) gods to avoid their souls wandering in our world which will cause disaster. To visit shrine does not necessarily mean we worship the enshrined god. Therefore there are grave stones in temples, but not in shrine. Shrines only enshrine souls. We would pray for health, good harvest or success in business. Shrine is the place to keep souls, we have to purify our hands in the entrance, then mouth.

ヨーロッパの教会と日本のお寺とは同じような役割をしている。でも神社のようなものはヨーロッパにはない。神社は(悪い)神様の霊を鎮魂し、その霊が現世を彷徨い、災いをもたらすことを防ぐものだ。 だから神社に参ることは必ずしも祭られた神様を敬い崇拝するわけではない。祈るのは家内安全、豊作や事業の成功などだ。霊に関わる場所だから、神社の入り口では手を水で清め、口をすすいで体を清める。