Friday, May 2, 2008

The Hermitage エルミタージュ

Yesterday two new travelers came to the apartment from Lituania, Vaida and Elema. Regina, the person in charge of the apartment introduced them to me and she told them about me that I just got robbed in St.Petersburg the day before. It should not be really a happy way to be introduced.


The Hermitage opens from 10:30, I left the apartment about 45 minutes before the opening time. The two Lithuanian girls who had been taking breakfast when I went out told me that they would come to the museum, too. When I got to the museum, I unexpectedly saw no waiting line in front of the entrance. Just a few people were there. I walked around the museum and came back after a while, more and more people started to come until the entrance was open.


From the start I got a bad impression; some ticket counters, as far as I saw just three, were full of such visitors, they are too little for visitors and to get the matter worse there seemed to be no idea of flow of visotrs. There is no rope which may guide visitors to the counter, or for those who already bought the ticket before. And the stairs were just in front of the counter, it was just chaos. I can never imagine that for example in the Louvre. More worse, foreigners should pay as three times more as Russian people. Yes, special price for foreigners, here is Russia! The two Lithuanian girls were just behind me when I finally got to the ticket counter. They tried to buy tickets in Russian price also for me, they speak perfect Russian. But without ID, even Russian people should pay foreigners price, they had no chance any way. We paid 3500 Rubles for the ticket.

最初からあまりいい印象を受けなかった。切符売り場、見た限りでは3箇所しかなかったように思うが、来館客の割りに少なすぎる。それにさらに悪いことには、 来館客の流れを全く意識していない。チケットを買うために並ぶ人や前もってチケットを買った人がスムーズに出入りできるようにロープが張られているわけでもない。それにチケット売り場の直前まで階段になっていて、もう収拾がつかない状態だった。ルーブルでは想像もつかない状態だ。さらに悪いことに、外国人はロシア人の3倍入館料を払わなければいけない。そう、外国人特別価格。ここはロシア!チケット売り場にたどり着いたときにはすぐ後ろにリトアニアから来た彼女たちが来ていた。彼女たちはロシア語をパーフェクトに話すので、ロシア人価格で入場券を買おうとした。でもロシア人でも身元を証明するものが必要らしい。さもなくば外国人価格で券を買わなければいけない様子。我々は入場料の3500ルーブルを払って中に入った。

I was in the museum from 11:00 to 15:00. I did not see anything from the ground floor, I just picked up collections from the first and second floor. The collection of Italian painting was marverous. The Danae by Tiziano Vecellio, The Young Mona Lisa by Leonaldo da Vinci and so on. However I got no further impression from the museum. The museums's interior decoration is gorgious, it used to be winter palace, it is like a three-time-bigger version of Schönbrunn in Vienna. I somehow got an impression that it should not be necessarily suitable to use such the building for art museum. Too little sofas in the museums, restroom is only available on the ground floor. Many doors and rooms are closed and to get to a certain room people must walk around all the way long. I expected the Dance by Matisse on the second floor but I did not find it. The most impressive exhibition for me was knives and beautifully decorated sword case from Iran?


The main purpose of visit of the Hermitage was to see Dutch collection collected by Ekaterina the Second. She bought lots of Dutch painters' paintings before they properly and highly evaluated in the market. The chamber of Dutch painters was amazingly full of tourists and their guides. There should be more than 10 or more tourist groups there. It was like as if I was standing in a train in rush hour, and continuous alarm really annoyed me. I was somehow disappointed by that. May is not the high season for visiting St.Petersburg. Many gardens were still closed, they were working in the garden for flowers, repairing fountain and so on. Personally I preferred Italian collection. Once I saw a TV program about Hermitage and the director said, "The Hermitage might not be the best museum in the world, but not the second." According to the view or concept of showing paintings, Louvre is much better and maybe Metropolitan museum, too, although I have never been there yet. If they close some chambers, they could have arramged visitors's route that they can go through the museum smoothly, pathing every chamber nummber properly. I do not remember if there was a museum where I had such difficulties to enjoy paintings. The Ekaterina II should not have thought about it then. As for enjoying art without any stress, I think it much better in the Art history museum in Vienna. For the so-to-say the "world's best museum", Vaida had the same opinion. She added that Louvre is much better. Anyway it was a bit pity to see the reality, because I had had so a huge fantasy about this museum since long long time.

エルミタージュの一番の目的はエカテリーナ2世が集めたオランダ絵画コレクションだった。彼女は絵画市場がオランダ絵画に適切な評価をする前にたくさん買い集めた。 オランダ絵画の間は驚くほどの旅行客とガイドで溢れていた。10かそれよりももっとたくさんグループが居たはずだ。ラッシュアワーの電車の中に居るような気がした。それにひっきりなしに鳴り響く警報装置のせいで嫌気が増した。これにはがっかりした。5月は旅行のハイシーズンじゃない。公園の多くはまだ閉まったままで、公園の花壇で花を植える作業をしていたり、噴水を直していたり。個人的にはイタリア絵画コレクションのほうが好みだ。一度テレビ番組でエルミタージュ館長のインタビューを見たことがあるが、彼曰く「エルミタージュは1番ではないかもしれないが、2番ではない。」絵画を見せるという観点から見れば、ルーブルはエルミタージュよりも上で、行ったことはないけれどもメトロポリタンもエルミタージュと比べればずっといいんじゃないかと、そんな風に感じた。展示会場を閉めるなら、来館客の見学ルートをもっと適切に設定してスムーズに美術館を1回りできるようにすべきだった。ここまで館内をぐるりと回るのに困った美術館はこれまでに経験したことがない。エカテリーナ2世は当時こんなことを考えても見なかったろう。絵画をストレスなく楽しむということから考えたら、思うにウィーンの美術史美術館のほうがずっといい。所謂自称「世界一の美術館」について、ワイダも同じような感想を持ったようだった。ルーブルのほうがずっといいと。いずれにせよ、実際にエルミタージュを見て少し残念だった。これまでずっと長い間ここに来たいと思い続けてきたからこそ余計にそう感じるのかもしれない。

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