Friday, December 9, 2011

Ohtsuchi-cho Akahama, Iwate 2 岩手県大槌町赤浜 2

After coming back to Austria, I got a postal mail from Mr.Y from Aomori. I worked him only for two days together at Akahama site, collected rubbledebris in a same team. For his last day, he told me that he wanted to go to see other site but wanted to join me at Akahama. When he took our pictures with his camera, he asked our postal promising that he would send us pictures. He might have thought that I was joking that I was from Vienna. But after seeing my address on his note, he told me that he had never sent a overseas postcard. I just told him that he could just write as I wrote down and maybe better to add "Europe" in Japanese, so that people in post office can seperate it correctly from ones to Australia.


He asked me of many questions about Europe in the bus. I told him about my parents that first got their passport last year to come to Europe for their first overseas visit, and no reason to miss the best opportunity to visit Europe under current exchange rate. I just wonder how he will react when he FIRST receive a postcard from abroad. According to his letter, he should be now in Tono for his fifth time.

彼にはバスのなかでヨーロッパのことについていろんなことを聞かれた。 両親も去年ヨーロッパに来るために生まれて初めてパスポートを作ったことを話し、今のヨーロッパに来るにはお得なレートをみすみす逃す理由はないと。彼が海外からの始めての郵便を受け取ったらどういう反応をするのか楽しみではある。手紙に書かれた情報に寄れば、今5度目の遠野入りをされているはずである。

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