Saturday, December 17, 2016

Silesia in Poland ポーランドのシレジア

On the last day, I had some time before departure and decided to vist museum to learn more history about this city. What they guy on the day before told me was, Katowice is in Silesia and this region has different history from the rest of Poland. The museum is just in front of the center square.


The Silesian Principality within the kingdom of Poland ravaged after the death of the principal by Mongolian invasion in Poland. They invited many immigrants from the neighbor Holy Roman Empire to rebuilt the Principality. Later it became a part of the kingdom of Bohemia, then went back and forth between Prussia and Habsburg. First after the World War II it finally belonged to Poland. So from the Mongolian invasion in 13th century until the end of the WWII, for about 600 years the region was not Poland. Such environment is hard to imagine from an island like Japan. I felt the city like somewhere in Germany in my first impression, but it was not necessarily wrong.


I still had some time left, I wanted to eat something. I cannot eat anything once I get in the bus to Vienna. I went to the cafe near the main square, a young Polish girl came up to take my order. I ordered today's special lunch and this beer. This beer was really great.

まだ時間があったので、 何か食べることにする。ウィーン行きのバスに乗ってしまったら8時間何も食べられない。広場の近くにあるカフェに入る。若い女の子がオーダーを採りにきたので、スペシャルランチとこのビールを注文する。このビールが本当においしかった。

In the cafe they had German newspaper. I asked her if she can speak German, and then she told me "No. My English is poor, too, I am sorry. I speak Polish, Russian and Ukrainian." She seemed to be Ukrainian. She looked a little bit nervous while speaking in English. I was surprised to meet a European to say I am sorry in such the case.

お店にはドイツ語の新聞も置いてあるので、この彼女にもドイツ語は話せるのか聞いてみたら、「話せません。英語もあまりうまく話せないし、ごめんなさい。ポーランド語、ロシア語、ウクライナ語だけです。」 どうも彼女はウクライナ人のようだ。話すときにも少しナーバスになっていた感じ。正直、こういう状況で「ごめんなさい」というヨーロッパ人に会ったことに驚いた。

Then I spoke to her in Russian, "I am sorry, too, that I am not able to speak Polish". I was glad that her face suddenly brightened.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Cultural exhange with polish people2 ポーランド人と交流する2

On my third day in Katowice, I happend to find a nice craft beer bar.
There at the counter as usual, a Polish guy talked to me from my behind. Maybe he is in the middle of 30s.

 "Hey, where are you from? Why are you doing here now?"

 "I came from Vienna to say cheers with you, of course."

He works in an automotive supplier, in the same field as I do, he knew my company. We talked a lot, drank a lot together, he was somehow afraid that his wife would be angry that he would be too late. He let me talk on the phone, that he is still all right. Something clicks with him and it does not happen quite often.




It seemed that even with his wife and a pretty daugther, he more wanted to drink and talk with me. Actually I do not clearly remember when I went back to my hotel, I remember one thing. He said a quite interesting thing to me:

  Here, Silesia is different from any other part of Poland.

The next day, I learned it by professor google.




Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Cultural exhange with polish people ポーランド人と交流する

Craft beer trend is currently very strong all over Europe. I checked some bars in advance and tried day after another. In this craft beer bar all female staffs serve beers, the bar was rather decent and calm but with many people. I would like to visit here again.


Then I changed the bar and went to the one looked more social. While I was drinking, a young man at the counter next to me talked to me. "Where are you from and what are you going to do here?"


Not like in Vienna, maybe only local people were there at Christmas market. Maybe he was curious that a total stranger would visit his city in this period.


Of course, to say cheers with you!


I invited him zubrowka for cheers and I have never seen and tried so many different zubrowka bottles...


Monday, December 12, 2016

Chasing after Hiroshima Okonomiyaki 広島風お好み焼きを求めて

While I was ckecking beer festival schedule in Europe, I happened to find a city with Hirosiman style okonimiyaki restaurant in Poland.


Why not? And I was there for a several days. The city is Katiwice, not very far from Kraków, but from Vienna 8 hours by bus and it costs 25 Euro for one way.

行ってみるでしょ? ということで数日間行ってみた。クラクフからもそれほど遠くはない、カトヴィツェと言う町。ウィーンからはバスで8時間。片道25ユーロほど。

I did not expect that the bus first went to Bratislava to pick up many people there. Actually from Vienna go through Brunn is much nearer, I thought. But they have their own reason to travel cheaper, maybe.


I left Vienna around 9 o'clock in the morning. It became dark round 16:00 in Poland. Night comes much earlier than in Vienna. The bus arrived at international bus terminal, without watching a map, I somehow reached the train station. Christmas market was there and many people were outside.

ウィーンを朝の9時に出発して、午後4時を過ぎてもう暗くなってきた。ウィーンよりも夜が早い! 国際バスターミナルに到着すると、地図を確認するまでもなく人の流れを見ながら鉄道の駅に。クリスマスマーケットがやっていて、たくさんの人がいた。

I entered a store and ask the address of my hotel, where it is. They told me that I have to follow the nearby street down to the end. I had some image of map in my mind when I booked the hotel. Without a problem I found my hotel and checked in. Around the hotel, it was a bit quieter.


And of course, I want to eat okonomiyaki. They had draft kirin beer, and offered ichiban-shibori. Sitting at the counter, I talked with the people from the restaurant and waited for okonomiyaki. As an ex-Hiroshima citizen I surely wanted to ask many things. They told me that none of them have been to Hiroshima yet.


Amount of cabbage or soy sprout is a bit less than usual one in Hiroshima, okonomiyaki from Poland was surved. It tasted a bit different but it was also nice. After eating I was asked to write a message in Japanese.


The atmospahre of the restaurant is as same as in Hiroshima. People will get together and talk, enjoy beer and okonomiyaki.
