Monday, December 12, 2016

Chasing after Hiroshima Okonomiyaki 広島風お好み焼きを求めて

While I was ckecking beer festival schedule in Europe, I happened to find a city with Hirosiman style okonimiyaki restaurant in Poland.


Why not? And I was there for a several days. The city is Katiwice, not very far from Kraków, but from Vienna 8 hours by bus and it costs 25 Euro for one way.

行ってみるでしょ? ということで数日間行ってみた。クラクフからもそれほど遠くはない、カトヴィツェと言う町。ウィーンからはバスで8時間。片道25ユーロほど。

I did not expect that the bus first went to Bratislava to pick up many people there. Actually from Vienna go through Brunn is much nearer, I thought. But they have their own reason to travel cheaper, maybe.


I left Vienna around 9 o'clock in the morning. It became dark round 16:00 in Poland. Night comes much earlier than in Vienna. The bus arrived at international bus terminal, without watching a map, I somehow reached the train station. Christmas market was there and many people were outside.

ウィーンを朝の9時に出発して、午後4時を過ぎてもう暗くなってきた。ウィーンよりも夜が早い! 国際バスターミナルに到着すると、地図を確認するまでもなく人の流れを見ながら鉄道の駅に。クリスマスマーケットがやっていて、たくさんの人がいた。

I entered a store and ask the address of my hotel, where it is. They told me that I have to follow the nearby street down to the end. I had some image of map in my mind when I booked the hotel. Without a problem I found my hotel and checked in. Around the hotel, it was a bit quieter.


And of course, I want to eat okonomiyaki. They had draft kirin beer, and offered ichiban-shibori. Sitting at the counter, I talked with the people from the restaurant and waited for okonomiyaki. As an ex-Hiroshima citizen I surely wanted to ask many things. They told me that none of them have been to Hiroshima yet.


Amount of cabbage or soy sprout is a bit less than usual one in Hiroshima, okonomiyaki from Poland was surved. It tasted a bit different but it was also nice. After eating I was asked to write a message in Japanese.


The atmospahre of the restaurant is as same as in Hiroshima. People will get together and talk, enjoy beer and okonomiyaki.


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