Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Italian Belgian beer イタリア産ベルギービール

I wanted to see how the market in Rome looks like and went to the Calpo di Fiori. There were lots of shops selling foods and something else, but it was much smaller I imagined. Actually Naschmarkt in Vienna is much bigger and many different types of shops are there. I wanted to take some pictures at the market but I didn't.


I decided to go home and tried to find something interesting on the way back. There were many narrow streets without people and it was really very beautiful.


After about 5 minutes walk, I passed by a building. I saw many bottles on the wall inside. I thought it might be a wine bar or something. But the shop staff was about to open the shop at noon. I stopped by and looked inside. It was so a beautiful wall with different color of bottles. I asked a woman there at the door if it was already opened, she said yes. I went inside. It was a beer bar. On the side wall there were beers available there, I was able to read  Weizen beer, Bergian beer, Stout beer and even Ale beer. I was not quite sure but I thought they procure these from other European countries for the beer lover in Rome.

5分ほど歩いただろうか、ある建物を通り過ぎた。 中の壁にたくさんのボトルが並んでいるのが見えた。ワインバーか何かだろうと思ったが、店の人が昼間から開店準備をしていた。立ち止まって中を覗いてみる。いろんな色のボトルが棚に置いてあって、とても綺麗だった。入り口のところに居た女性店員にもう開いているのかと聞くと、開いてますとの返事。中に入ってみる。ビールバーだった。横の壁にはビールのメニューが書かれていた。ヴァイツェン、ベルギー、スタウトにエールビールの文字。ローマのビール好きの人たちのために、ヨーロッパのどこかから調達してきてるのかと思った。

As I read the menu, I slowly understood that they were made in Italy. Honestly, I did not hear much about Italian beer till now. Usually Belgian beer, German beer or Czech beer. I did drink really nice Polish beer or Russian beer when I was there, but I would imagine wine first when it comes to Italian drink. I ordered a burger for the lunch and some glasses of beer. It surprised me a lot. Usual Italian beer is thin, maybe due to its climate. But beers I tried there were full and had strong flavor like white wine.


After coming back home, I read in the web site (it seems that the English page is still under construction) in detail. Then I went there three times to try other beers during my stay. There are suprises during travel all the time, but this was also the one.

家でウェブサイト (英語のサイトはまだ工事中のようです)から詳細を読んでみる。滞在中に他のビールを試してみたくて3度通うことになる。旅行にはびっくりがつき物だが、今回のこれもそのうちのひとつだった。

On the last visit, I talked to the shop staff at the casher that there is nothing like that in Vienna and I would like to have this there, too. I bought two bottles to take back. Next time, if I happen to visit Rome again, I am sure to come back here.


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