Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Riga, a city between Europe and Russia リガ ー ヨーロッパとロシアが出会う街

I took a bus from Vilnius to Riga after marathon and stayed there for two nights. The old city center is designated a World Heritage Site. It is commonly said, Baltic states : Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and people can misunderstand that these three countries are almost the same. But history shows the difference. I did not have an idea of it, but reading the book about the history in the plane made me understand well.


Not many Austrian know well about these countries. People would rarely chose to travel toward North. Estonia is well known by skype, or IT industry or e-government. But other two?


Before arriving at the bus terminal in Riga, our bus traveled along the wide Daugave river, which told me that the sea is very close. Going up this river, it runs through the northern part of Belarus, and then into Russia: until about 300km west of Moscow. This city grew and was developped as German marchantes settled in, as a trading hub from Baltic sea to Russia. In the old ceter there are lots of old German churches or buildings. I felt as if I were in the old city center of Frankfurt.


House of Blackheads

Compared to Vilnius, Riga is more gorgeous and may attract more tourists. Very specious and there are lots of restaurants or cafes around the churches. There is also a district in the city where there are lots embassys and in art nouveau style. It was stunning.


After that, Riga was under Poland, and then Sweden, and then to Russia, until the WWI. Riga was the very important Russian city to deliver European culture, architecture and technology to Russia. The reason that number of Russian is high in the city is followings: during the WWII Soviet conquered Lativia and lots of Latvian was killed or sent to Siberia. In Riga there was infrastructure from the Russian time, then Soviet let many Russian settled in the city.


Near the St.Peter's church I found a beer restaurant, I sat outside and enjoyed live music. On the day, a gipsy band played and was great. A waiter asked me, if I am Japanese, so I asked him how to say this or that in Latvian. In Lithanian it is quite easy to say "thank you", it is "aciu" and you would say when you sneeze.
Latvian is completely different. "Liels paldies" Maybe easy to pronounce, we can read each letter as it is. As same as in Lithuania, many Russian visit this city but would never say liels paldies. Waiters/waitress seemed happy to hear that.

聖ペテロ教会の近くにビアレストランを見つけたので、外にすわって生演奏を楽しむ。その日はジブシーバンドが素晴らしい演奏をしてくれた。ウェイターが日本人かと聞くので、逆にラトビア語ではあれやこれはなんていうのと質問攻めにした。リトアニア語ではありがとうは覚えやすい。風を引いたときに言うかもしれない”アチュー”。ラトビア語は全く違う。”リエルス バルディエス”。アルファベットをそのまま読めばいいだけだからそれほど難しくはない。リトアニアでもそうだったが、たくさんロシア人が観光に来るが一言すらもラトビア語を話そうとはしないらしい。ウェイターやウェイトレスはラトビア語のありがとうを聞けてうれしそうだった。

St.Peter's Church
brown, red and blond

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