Sunday, February 28, 2016

Pray in Palau (Peleliu 1) パラオで祈る (ベリリュー島 1)

Main purpose of visit Palau was to go to Peleliu island and thank soldiers who fought for Japan. I attended the tour to see many sites in Peleliu island following day.


From the Koror island where my hotel stands, it took for about an hour by boat to get to Peleliu island toward south. On the way we traveled through Rock Islands which consists of lots of small islands and is the World Heritage. As the boat traveled, the color of the ocean changed frequently. It was the color like jewelry. I felt that I was totally cleaned up from inside.



Landing on the North Dock, we first went to 1000 Man/Hospital Cave, which Japanese soldiers dug to hide themselves from American bombing or firethrower attack. Inside is like a huge maze. Just next to the cave there is Pillbox to snipe American soldiers who tried to land from the shore.


Our tour guide handed each of us maglite, and guided through the cave with explanation. Japanese soldiers dug the cave without proper tools by hands. Inside the cave is kept as it used to be, glass bottles or rice canteens were lying there. There was a room to nurse injured soldiers.


After the cave, we went to Mitana, war memorial. Next to the block of American soldiers' tombstones, there is memorial of Japanese soldiers. All of us offered incense sticks and faced palms in fromt of meorials in turn.



Eat in Palau パラオを食べる

In Palau, mangrove crab is the local special food. It is not very cheap, is in market about 25 dollars for 500g. I tried Parauan beer, steamed mangrove crab and water spinach at a Chinese restaurant in the center of Koror. I was asked to choose one of crabs in the pool. It weighed almost 1kg.


The shell of the crab is very hard and thick,  hardly breakable by teeth. I got a tool like a gripper to break shells. The meat was really firm and tasty.


The next day, I attended a tour to visit Ngardmau water fall among jungle in Babeldaob island. The way to the waterfall, it had a quilte different scenery from Koror. Everlasting Jungle is on about 200m altitude. Along the road panels with national flags of foreign countries can be seen which tells the road was built by the help of the countries.


We went down to the waterfall along the minecart rails which were used to collect and transfer bauxite during Japanese time. Even at noon, it is slightly dark among lots of trees. Looking up, I found lots of nepenthes rafflesiand drooping from above.


We arrived at river bank. Later on we went down long the river.

川が見えてきた。 その後、川の岩肌伝いにさらに降っていく。


We had lunch which our young tour guide carried down on his back. Sandwitches and fruits. The waterfall was about 30m high, the water was warmer than I imagined. I found many small tadpoles and fish with big eyes which I have never seen before.



The tour guide who accompanied us just graduated from a university and used to play baseball. He continues to play baseball there in Palau. We started to talk about baseball. There are not so many Japanese living away from Japan and play baseball. I presented my team's T-shirt to him via an another tour guide next day. I heard that he was very happy with it.


Back again thourgh the way we took, we had fresh coconut juice and then our tour guide cut the meat and served us with soy sauce and wasabi. It tasted like squid with Japanese yam texture. This can be a great match with sake.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Japan in Palau パラオの中の日本

Most of Parauan live in Koror island. There are still many things to be seen from Japanese time. The gate of Parau High School was built in Japanese time and still used until now. I booked a motel just behind the high school.


On the other side of the Palau high school, the building of the South Pacific Mandate is now used as surpreme court.


About 1500 Japanese words including "Emonkake" (hanger), "Tamanegi" (onion), "Shinbun" (newspaper), and "Oishii" (delicious) became Parauan and are still used by now.


At a gas station, I found a school bus which was sent by Japanese government as ODA. Seeing this sign on the bus, everybody knows it.


In Palau, I did not plan anything in advance and spent without "I have to....". I found a leeflet of Rock Island Tour Company at DW motel where I stayed for the first four nights and booked some tours. This motel is not a resort hotel, but very close to the center and staffs are very friendly.


At the KB bridge which connects Koror island and Babeldaob island where there is the airport and is also called Palau-Japan friendship bridge, we can find the panel that this bridge has been built by Japanese ODA. Originally this bridge was constructed by a Korean company which made a successful bid then. But there is a history about this bridge.


Without asking return and help people in trouble. This is the fine foreign diplomacy for sure. If all ODA from Japan will be used in that way, Japanese citizens will be happy to pay taxes.


Palau パラオ

I do not believe that any Japanese would ask people who are going to Hawaii or Guam, "why are you going there?". I think they will say in response "wow, I envy you."

ほとんどの日本人は、ハワイやグアムに行く人に、「どうしてそこに行くの?」という質問はしないでしょう。すぐに、「あぁ、いいなぁ」 という反応が返ってくるはずです。

Many people asked me this time, why I went to Palau. Palau is just one-hour flight away from Guam toward the Philippines. Palau is a resort country as same as Guam. Actually, lot of people would visit Palau for diving. After the WWI Japan mandated Palau, built schools and educated. But Palau is currently a "distant country" from Japan.


Clint Eastwood who directed the movie "Letters from Iwo Jima" (the name of the island is correctly Iwo Tou) told later that he was really surprised that many Japanese do not know the battle there. Maybe some people still remember that in 2013 Japanese prime minister Abe visited the island, got down on both knees with head bowed to the asphalted run way under which still many dead of Japanese soldiers are lying. Iwo-tou is in Japan, but it is prohibited to go even for Japanese people. Some people may know that Mr. Shigenaru Aoyama told about this island in his video or books. We can at least visit Palau without problems.


I found an interview video in YouTube, natives are speaking in Japanese. This video is a Japanese TV program which invites TV-crues from foreign countries to introduce Japan in their countries. It is a very nice program.

YouTubeにも取材映像を見つけました。現地の方が日本語で話しておられます。 テレビ番組日本総本家の「日本という名の惑星」の、パラオの回もとても面白いです。この番組、本当にいい番組ですね。

The last push to visit Palau this time was that I received a thank-you letter from Palauan ambassader in Japan, when I sent money due to typhoon damage. This was the first time to receive a thank-you letter.


Until the combat in Palau, Japanese mainly did so-to-say suicide attack, after the situation became worse. But the guerilla strategy which was first took in Palau, became the main stream of all combats followed. After the WWII US mandated Palau and then became independent in 1992. There are more than 200 islands, 16 states. People are living in about 10 islands.


To Peleliu islands where the battle between US and Japan took place, we can reach in an hour by boat. We can visit caves which Japanese military dug to hide themselves from US attack, bombing or flamethrowers. The caves are kept as they used to be.


Full of nature, birds will wake us up in the morning. It is warm all through the year and people are warm-hearted.
I really wish that many Japanese visit Palau, indeed.
