Saturday, February 27, 2016

Palau パラオ

I do not believe that any Japanese would ask people who are going to Hawaii or Guam, "why are you going there?". I think they will say in response "wow, I envy you."

ほとんどの日本人は、ハワイやグアムに行く人に、「どうしてそこに行くの?」という質問はしないでしょう。すぐに、「あぁ、いいなぁ」 という反応が返ってくるはずです。

Many people asked me this time, why I went to Palau. Palau is just one-hour flight away from Guam toward the Philippines. Palau is a resort country as same as Guam. Actually, lot of people would visit Palau for diving. After the WWI Japan mandated Palau, built schools and educated. But Palau is currently a "distant country" from Japan.


Clint Eastwood who directed the movie "Letters from Iwo Jima" (the name of the island is correctly Iwo Tou) told later that he was really surprised that many Japanese do not know the battle there. Maybe some people still remember that in 2013 Japanese prime minister Abe visited the island, got down on both knees with head bowed to the asphalted run way under which still many dead of Japanese soldiers are lying. Iwo-tou is in Japan, but it is prohibited to go even for Japanese people. Some people may know that Mr. Shigenaru Aoyama told about this island in his video or books. We can at least visit Palau without problems.


I found an interview video in YouTube, natives are speaking in Japanese. This video is a Japanese TV program which invites TV-crues from foreign countries to introduce Japan in their countries. It is a very nice program.

YouTubeにも取材映像を見つけました。現地の方が日本語で話しておられます。 テレビ番組日本総本家の「日本という名の惑星」の、パラオの回もとても面白いです。この番組、本当にいい番組ですね。

The last push to visit Palau this time was that I received a thank-you letter from Palauan ambassader in Japan, when I sent money due to typhoon damage. This was the first time to receive a thank-you letter.


Until the combat in Palau, Japanese mainly did so-to-say suicide attack, after the situation became worse. But the guerilla strategy which was first took in Palau, became the main stream of all combats followed. After the WWII US mandated Palau and then became independent in 1992. There are more than 200 islands, 16 states. People are living in about 10 islands.


To Peleliu islands where the battle between US and Japan took place, we can reach in an hour by boat. We can visit caves which Japanese military dug to hide themselves from US attack, bombing or flamethrowers. The caves are kept as they used to be.


Full of nature, birds will wake us up in the morning. It is warm all through the year and people are warm-hearted.
I really wish that many Japanese visit Palau, indeed.


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