Monday, April 23, 2018

Trip to Chernobyl 1 チェルノブイリツアーに参加する1

To the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl where there was a tragedy 32 years ago, there are some guided tours now. This time I joined a full-day tour. The tour starts from the central station of Kyiv and takes about one and a half hour to get there. When I was in Kyiv last time, it was the first week of a new year and also Christmas time in Ukraine. I was not able to find a tour with a suitable schedule. In the group of the guided tour in English, there were about 12 people.


This time, I can spend the day, on April 26th in Kyiv, the day the incident occurred exactly 32 years ago, I wanted to visit Chernobyl museum, too. Japan has to discommission the broken reactor, as Ukraine did. They started more than 10 years ago. What will be necessary for Japan? I wanted to have time to learn more about the power plant, disaster and discommissioning.


In this tour, we can step into the 30km zone from the epicenter, where all the people have evacuated from there, and 10km zone. To enter the 10km zone, we have to go through a checkpoint. Tour agency collects participants' name and passport information in advance and without the name in the list, no one can go further. Each participant shows the passport at the checkpoint. It is just to secure that nobody can bring any radioactive element outside.

今回のツアーでは、事故当時避難対象となった30km区域、それから10km区域にも立ち入ることができる。30km区域、10km区域に入るにはそれぞれ検問があり、事前に名前とパスポートなどの情報を含めた名前のリストがないと立ち入り出来ないため、ツアー会社がそれを取りまとめ、ツアー参加者はパスポートを持参して検問所にて検問を受ける。 これは誰も放射線に汚染されたものを外に持ち出し出来ないようにするための措置だ。

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