Sunday, December 5, 2010

Margherita マルゲリータ

I arrived in Naples at 11:00 by ship from Catania. Without knowing which direction to go to get to my hotel, I just started to study the area around the harbor. I saw an old stone architecture above the hill, I just follow the road toward it out of instinct. On the way there I found a shopping street and a wonderful arcade. I wanted to buy a pair of new shoes before I go to my hotel: my shoes finished the life after the work camp in Biancavilla. I found a small shoes shop at the corner, I looked into the show window and found shoes of my taste. It was almost 13:00 and the shop was about to be closed. I asked the man in the shop if I can try the one in gray color in the show window. He asked me of my size, I told him 26.5cm. Of course he asked me of Italian size, he went to the back of the shop muttering it might be 41 or some. It was a little big for my feet, but they did not have a smaller size in the color. He asked me if I would like to have the one in different color, I said no. He went back and tried to find another shoes. His wife asked me if I work in Italy, I said that I work in Austria. I told her about my work camp in Biancavilla for two weeks to collect olives and stopped by in Naples on my way back to Vienna.


I sat in the sofa and waited for shoes. I started to grip my rubber ball for exercising, his daughter came up to me and showed me a very curious face. I told her that I broke my finger and I had to rehabilitate my hand, her mother also came up and explained to the daughter. Then I thought of doing something for her. She soon noticed that I started to make something with a piece of paper, observed what I was doing.


“Sai cos'è?” she said “Lana” and took it to her mother. When her father came back with a pair of shoes, I tried them on and they fit my feet. I said promptly that I would have them. I told the man that I would ware the shoes now and asked to abandon my old shoes. Signing my credit card, I told her that I came here to enjoy pizza and needed some information. Her husband came back and told me that there is the one just in the neighborhood. He told met that he likes Japanese food very much because it is light, he stressed that he does not like Chinese dishes. I said that that Italian food is similar to Japanese and many Japanese really like it.


They closed the shop and took me to the pizza restaurant they mentioned. Just 30 meters away from the shoes shop, there was a small pizzeria, Da Attilio. Inside wall of the pizzeria was fully filled with signboard written by customers. The father asked one of female staffs for a table for me, then they waited for a while until a table for three would be free. They sat at the table near mine. I examined the menu and selected Margherita, very simple pizza with tomato sauce and cheese with basil. I heard that the father ordered the same one.


I happened to find a text with a cartoon which a Japanese girl wrote for the shop. She ate also Margherita here and was very happy with it. The daughter sometimes looked back toward me, I started to fold lily. The female staff who let me take the table went by and said, “ah, origami!” well it is really well known. I called the daughter and gave her lily, looked like she really liked it.


The pizza came. It is very thin one, traditional Neapolitan style. It was very nice. Tomato taste was very intensive and cheese smelled very strongly. Smell of basil stayed after I ate a leave on the pizza, I really enjoyed that. It is the same as Carmela told me. I remembered pasta Carmela cooked. For simple cooking, ingredient is the key. Tomato tastes like tomato, cheese like cheese. This is the pizza! I told the father that I really liked the pizza. He said they would come to the pizza restaurant quite often. I can surely eat the pizza every day! I thanked them and they thanked me for some small presents for their daughter and said “arrivederci” to each other.



At the hotel, I asked the man at the reception which pizza restaurant should not be forgotten if he should pick up three in the city. He told me four of his favorites, I asked him further which one he would prefer to go with his private friends. He pointed the one, Starita. He mentioned that the one is less touristic and is rather difficult to find. Yes, tomorrow I will try the one there. Well, maybe I can find somebody there who would recommend me the next pizzeria. What would I eat tomorrow...?


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