We started the day's work separately, Kim and Jan for storage house, Ton worked on electric box or cable which will be built in the wall, Evelien painted window frame and I dug water channel to bury pipes. Sun shined and it was warm. Evelien brought sun oil with carrot essence inside and we shared it and applied on our face, arms and neck, which she told us later that it was the wrong one for the usage. We also carried olive sansa bags that Sergio fetched when he drove Maria to school.
Mt. Etna had bigger cloud on the top than yesterday. The cloud yesterday was swirling around the top of the mountain, today it was like a dome on the top. The place where I dug trench to bury water pipe, there were lots of stones and was a hard labor. I sometimes had water and kept going on.
I am now in fit and can feel myself physically strong enough, maybe I am in better condition than when I was 10 years ago. Loosen the ground with an ax, then scrape out the soil and stone aside, I just repeated it for more than an hour or two. Sometimes small cats came and started to play nearby, had to pick them up to put them somewhere else, or I would through stones on them without knowing that they were.
Pasta ring with green bean and pork in demigrous sauce with cuscus. Both were really good, or actually everything Carmela cooked was very good all the time. She already started to tease me, I took the last portion of pasta in the pot and then tried to take sauce to my plate to eat with penne. She told me that I should take the whole plate for me. Eat well and work well, I felt really very good. Three days ago, I asked Carmela for the praying text before starting meal, she brought me a bible and showed me the page. I wrote them down on a paper and tried to say loud with the family, other Dutch members started to do the same by now. But it seemed to me that they have problems with pronunciation in Italian.
Padre nostro, che sei nei cieli, sia santificato il tuo nome.
Venga il tuo Regno.
Sia fatta la tua volantà come in cielo cosi in terra.
Dacci oggi il nostro pane guotidiano e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti,
come noi il rimettiamo ai nostri devitori.
E non ci indurre in tentazione
Ma liberaci dal male. Amen
After lunch, we kept working as we did in the morning. Sergio fetched Maria from school and brought sansa bags again, it was finally the last transportation of bags. They will have a road to the storage house to transport anything they would keep there, Sergio wants to finish the work by the end of this year. Water channel, electricity, restaurant and road.
After having dug the trench, Kim and Jan helped me to bury water pipe. We had some discussion how to handle electric cable pipe, it was Ton who advised Sergio to avoid passing the electricity pipe on the place where gas tank would be buried. We stopped to work with pipes and then gathered small stones to put them on the street-to-be. It was already very dark. The day is getting shorter and shorter. We stopped the day's work.
Today they had guests in restaurant, Raffaelle was making pasta from semolina. Carmela was working hard on cooking some different kinds of dishes. The table at which we always have meal was occupied by fresh pasta. We sat in sofas in living room, Dutch members started to play soccer on X-Box.
Sergio called me and we went to the city to fetch Agata. Before that we procured propane gas bombe, bought some pieces of panne and cheese in gourd shape which I have never seen before. We had a late dinner, pasta in living room but without family members. They had been working for cooking for the guests. Al dente. This is the most important for cooking pasta. Any simple dish can taste good when it is kept properly.
We talked about many things about fire when we smelled something burning and was from boiler room. In the Netherlands, it seemed to me that they are using gas for heating. In Austria electric plate started to be more popular for cooking, for heating oil circulation. To build a gas pipe line is of course non sense to an isolated house. In my home town too, my parents are using gas provided by gas bombe.
何かが燃える臭いがしてきたところで、火についての話になる。臭いはボイラー室からだった。オランダではガスが暖房に使われているらしい。オーストリアでは料理には最近電化プレート、暖房には循環するオイルが使われる。 離れたところにある家のためだけにガスパイプを埋めるのは意味がない。僕の実家もそう、ガスはガスボンベを使っている。
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Piping 配管作業
Very fine weather from morning. But the the top of the Mt. Etna was surrounded by swirling clouds which looked like a hat on the mountain.
We started our work on the restaurant to-be, made room for electricity installation work, carried doors or wooden plates, mattress to other place. Jan and Kim started to joint rain pipes which leads rain fell on the roof of the storage to the main house, Ton, also a electric engineer started to dig the walls to build electric terminal box into the wall. Sergio, Evelien and I went to fetch sannsa hamp bags which we left at the collecting place, carried bags to the storage house. It was sunny and warm, very comfortable to work under the sun. A transporter car which we expected for the day was not available and we went to the collecting place and brought hamp bags back for several times.
Our lunch today was spaghetti in soup, chicken roll and baked mash potato. Carmela was surprised that I continued to eat while others finished eating, and mentioned that I am so thin although I eat a lot. I finished the chicken roll left on the plate and took some more baked mash potato which I liked very much. She should be happy to see that I ate very much every day. Especially the days when I carried heavy bags, I got very hungry and needed energy for the further work.
While we drove and back between collecting place and home carrying hamp bags, Sergio ashed us how we feel out his family and the project we joined. I honestly told him that I feel very comfortable to stay home with his family, sit at table and eat together, and especially found it nice that they always try to have meal together. Sometimes his children start to quarrel but they well take care of the youngest Maria. This might be a typical old Italian family. Even without their parents, brothers or sister would say Maria what she should do not, or sometimes scald her for what she had done. I mentioned that even parents nowadays cannot scold their children, the number of children reduced and parents take it wrong that what they are doing for their child as out of love but just spoil the child.
I translated what he said and I did to Evelien, then she told that she honestly expected more small children but really enjoys the work here. She started to understand more Italian Sergio would speak, at least she would grasp the context properly. She actually brought a kite with her as a present for children. Evelien told me about the story when we was playing some sport and was the only girl in the team, other team members called her Evert, a boy's name, because she is so active like other boys. Evelien is absolutely slim and I could hardly imagine that she did exactly the same as we do. I told Sergio that it was much easier for him that he did not have to prepare or think about tasks for girls. Sergio told me that he had female volunteer workers and French girls were relatively well built in general and were able to carry heavy things as other men would do. He agreed that a slim girl like Evelien would be able to work like this. She had got some blisters on her hands since we started to collect sansa. But she worked without complaining nor trying to avoid it.
Sergio asked me in the end, if I would like to have my own children. I answered to him briefly, although I would want it, I would have a problem in advance to find a partner in Europe and it seemed to me far from reality at the moment.
Sergio bought some pipe diameter reducers in the city and brought them back home, water channels were connected to each other. There are still lots to do. Will be all finished before snow falls? Honestly I would like to stay here and help them for their work. I really enjoy the work and meal with Sergio's family every day.
For the dinner of the day, we had soup, quiche with spinach, We had an extra bottle of red wine today, not only Sergio's wine as usual which all of us really love. The wine had a strong aroma and was very nice. Kim asked Rocco if it is possible to visit Mt. Etna because he had never seen volcano before. Well, after we finished all our work they thought of, my internal voice whispered. Let us see. After dinner soccer game on TV started from 21:00, but I was tired and watched just for some 10 minutes and went to sleep.
今日の夕食には、スープとほうれん草のキッシュを頂く。 いつも通りのみんながこよなく愛するセルジオのワインだけでなく、今日はもう一本赤ワインの瓶がテーブルに。そのワインはとても強烈な香りがし、とてもおいしかった。キムがロッコに、まだ火山を見たことがないがエトナ山にいけないかと話をする。もちろん期待されている作業が済んでからだよと心の声。後のお楽しみ。食事の後は21時からテレビでサッカーの試合をやっていた。今日は疲れていて、少しだけ一緒に見た後で床に就く。
We started our work on the restaurant to-be, made room for electricity installation work, carried doors or wooden plates, mattress to other place. Jan and Kim started to joint rain pipes which leads rain fell on the roof of the storage to the main house, Ton, also a electric engineer started to dig the walls to build electric terminal box into the wall. Sergio, Evelien and I went to fetch sannsa hamp bags which we left at the collecting place, carried bags to the storage house. It was sunny and warm, very comfortable to work under the sun. A transporter car which we expected for the day was not available and we went to the collecting place and brought hamp bags back for several times.
Kim & Jan @ work |
While we drove and back between collecting place and home carrying hamp bags, Sergio ashed us how we feel out his family and the project we joined. I honestly told him that I feel very comfortable to stay home with his family, sit at table and eat together, and especially found it nice that they always try to have meal together. Sometimes his children start to quarrel but they well take care of the youngest Maria. This might be a typical old Italian family. Even without their parents, brothers or sister would say Maria what she should do not, or sometimes scald her for what she had done. I mentioned that even parents nowadays cannot scold their children, the number of children reduced and parents take it wrong that what they are doing for their child as out of love but just spoil the child.
I translated what he said and I did to Evelien, then she told that she honestly expected more small children but really enjoys the work here. She started to understand more Italian Sergio would speak, at least she would grasp the context properly. She actually brought a kite with her as a present for children. Evelien told me about the story when we was playing some sport and was the only girl in the team, other team members called her Evert, a boy's name, because she is so active like other boys. Evelien is absolutely slim and I could hardly imagine that she did exactly the same as we do. I told Sergio that it was much easier for him that he did not have to prepare or think about tasks for girls. Sergio told me that he had female volunteer workers and French girls were relatively well built in general and were able to carry heavy things as other men would do. He agreed that a slim girl like Evelien would be able to work like this. She had got some blisters on her hands since we started to collect sansa. But she worked without complaining nor trying to avoid it.
Sergio asked me in the end, if I would like to have my own children. I answered to him briefly, although I would want it, I would have a problem in advance to find a partner in Europe and it seemed to me far from reality at the moment.
Sergio bought some pipe diameter reducers in the city and brought them back home, water channels were connected to each other. There are still lots to do. Will be all finished before snow falls? Honestly I would like to stay here and help them for their work. I really enjoy the work and meal with Sergio's family every day.
For the dinner of the day, we had soup, quiche with spinach, We had an extra bottle of red wine today, not only Sergio's wine as usual which all of us really love. The wine had a strong aroma and was very nice. Kim asked Rocco if it is possible to visit Mt. Etna because he had never seen volcano before. Well, after we finished all our work they thought of, my internal voice whispered. Let us see. After dinner soccer game on TV started from 21:00, but I was tired and watched just for some 10 minutes and went to sleep.
今日の夕食には、スープとほうれん草のキッシュを頂く。 いつも通りのみんながこよなく愛するセルジオのワインだけでなく、今日はもう一本赤ワインの瓶がテーブルに。そのワインはとても強烈な香りがし、とてもおいしかった。キムがロッコに、まだ火山を見たことがないがエトナ山にいけないかと話をする。もちろん期待されている作業が済んでからだよと心の声。後のお楽しみ。食事の後は21時からテレビでサッカーの試合をやっていた。今日は疲れていて、少しだけ一緒に見た後で床に就く。
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Taormina タオルミナ
According to the weather forecast, the weather on weekend would be very bad, but it seemed to fine at the time of breakfast. Sergio told us that he would accompany us to go to Taormina. Berfore I left Vienna for Catania, one of my Italian friends recommended me to visit Taormina if it is possible. I only heard of the name of the city, but I actually did not know much about it. At the breakfast table we talked about that we gather money together and pay all expenses for us and for Sergio for the day. He spontaneously offered his weekend for us.
Sergio drove car first on highway and then asked me if he should take a local road, I told him that maybe where we can have a nice view or there is something interesting. We went through a main street of Gardini Nixos where there was the biggest port in Sicily to export wine. The coast was near by and there were lots of tourists. Sergio told me about the World War II and told me that he had no idea why Japan had to join the group of Germany and Italy, it is geographically far away and they had no ideas like building the third empire like Hitler. I tried to explain that Japanese established their first constitution after Prussia, imported ideas or technology after resolving closure policy for more than 260 years during Edo era in order to make the country strong enough to avoid getting colonized by European countries. And the country was forced to be against the countries which the USA supported to isolate Japan from natural resources from Southeast Asian countries. There was no other way around.
We first stopped by Isola Bella, beautiful island. It was warm and first the boyish Evelien jumped into the water. Of course it was too cold to swim in the sea, we just put our feet into the water.
Taormina is on the top of the cliff, first we went up to the Castello Mella. The top was very foggy and we had a limited view over ocean from the top, but each of us tried to take nice photo shots. It was just marvelous. Far below we were able to see Greece Theater, old stadium where open-air concerts would be held. It was almost noon, we thought of having lunch. There was a restaurant where we were, but the price was also very wonderful. We decided to go to the center of Taormina and find somewhere to eat.
Sergio parked his car just next to the Porsche Carella and Caien in tower parking, we walked to the city center. There were lots of restaurants with the finest view, old churches, verandas decorated with beautiful flowers, narrow paths or steps up or downwards. One day might be too short to take pictures of these beautiful city.
We walked down through narrow paths which made us feel like in a maze, we had a lunch break at a pizzeria, where we bought some pieces of pizza and beer. We were hungry and after finishing our first pizza, we ordered the second one. I shared fried rice ball stuffed with aubergine and bread stuffed with sardine (possibly) and vegetables with Evelien. They were very delicious. I saw Sergio was greeting to a man, it seemed to me that they met there by chance. Sergio's old friend talked about Japan whose friend often go and back between Italy and Japan, telling me that he wanted to visit Japan one day.
We said goodbye to Sergio's friend, then Sergio took us to the most important hotel in Taormina, where we just took a look of the garden. He mentioned that a sweet would cost 500 or more Euro. Any furniture, so to say antique furniture on the corridor, reception was very beautiful,, garden was very beautiful, too. This kind of hotels is surely not for us.
We then went to the Greece theater. Sergio told me that there many concerts would be held such as Sting or Jazz. Such the old open theater, only one I saw was Arena in Verona. When Evelien tried to use timer to take our pictures together, dashing down over the audience bench after pushing the button and almost fell, a gentle French couple sitting nearby kindly offered us to take our picture. The theater started to be covered with mist, the view over the ocean was also limited due to the mist. As Sergio mentioned the other day that Sicily belonged to many cultures and the mixture of all those, it has quite unique side and is different from northern Italy. I have to study again about the history.
On our way back to parking lot, we found interesting figure made of ceramic, a face with three legs toward outside, knees bent in 90 degrees. While Evelien took one of the figure at souvenir shop and we were wondering that it is, Sergio added that it is the symbol of Sicily. It is called Trinacria, three points in old Greek and represents triangle Sicily island. The head in the middle is Medusa. We also entered a church at the center square, huge bar wooden on the ceiling caught my attention, which might have taken from the tree more than 100 or much more years ago.. In usual Catholic churches in other countries, ceiling would be also decorated in the same way as the wall, here is the ceiling out of combined woods. I remember that I first saw such structure when I was in Verona. We bought some souvenirs for home, I bought some postcards as usual.
Having a coffee at a cafe, it got dark already. We drove back to Biancavilla and as usual we enjoyed dinner at home. We had spaghetti and salad.
Sergio drove car first on highway and then asked me if he should take a local road, I told him that maybe where we can have a nice view or there is something interesting. We went through a main street of Gardini Nixos where there was the biggest port in Sicily to export wine. The coast was near by and there were lots of tourists. Sergio told me about the World War II and told me that he had no idea why Japan had to join the group of Germany and Italy, it is geographically far away and they had no ideas like building the third empire like Hitler. I tried to explain that Japanese established their first constitution after Prussia, imported ideas or technology after resolving closure policy for more than 260 years during Edo era in order to make the country strong enough to avoid getting colonized by European countries. And the country was forced to be against the countries which the USA supported to isolate Japan from natural resources from Southeast Asian countries. There was no other way around.
We first stopped by Isola Bella, beautiful island. It was warm and first the boyish Evelien jumped into the water. Of course it was too cold to swim in the sea, we just put our feet into the water.
Taormina is on the top of the cliff, first we went up to the Castello Mella. The top was very foggy and we had a limited view over ocean from the top, but each of us tried to take nice photo shots. It was just marvelous. Far below we were able to see Greece Theater, old stadium where open-air concerts would be held. It was almost noon, we thought of having lunch. There was a restaurant where we were, but the price was also very wonderful. We decided to go to the center of Taormina and find somewhere to eat.
Sergio parked his car just next to the Porsche Carella and Caien in tower parking, we walked to the city center. There were lots of restaurants with the finest view, old churches, verandas decorated with beautiful flowers, narrow paths or steps up or downwards. One day might be too short to take pictures of these beautiful city.
We walked down through narrow paths which made us feel like in a maze, we had a lunch break at a pizzeria, where we bought some pieces of pizza and beer. We were hungry and after finishing our first pizza, we ordered the second one. I shared fried rice ball stuffed with aubergine and bread stuffed with sardine (possibly) and vegetables with Evelien. They were very delicious. I saw Sergio was greeting to a man, it seemed to me that they met there by chance. Sergio's old friend talked about Japan whose friend often go and back between Italy and Japan, telling me that he wanted to visit Japan one day.
We then went to the Greece theater. Sergio told me that there many concerts would be held such as Sting or Jazz. Such the old open theater, only one I saw was Arena in Verona. When Evelien tried to use timer to take our pictures together, dashing down over the audience bench after pushing the button and almost fell, a gentle French couple sitting nearby kindly offered us to take our picture. The theater started to be covered with mist, the view over the ocean was also limited due to the mist. As Sergio mentioned the other day that Sicily belonged to many cultures and the mixture of all those, it has quite unique side and is different from northern Italy. I have to study again about the history.
On our way back to parking lot, we found interesting figure made of ceramic, a face with three legs toward outside, knees bent in 90 degrees. While Evelien took one of the figure at souvenir shop and we were wondering that it is, Sergio added that it is the symbol of Sicily. It is called Trinacria, three points in old Greek and represents triangle Sicily island. The head in the middle is Medusa. We also entered a church at the center square, huge bar wooden on the ceiling caught my attention, which might have taken from the tree more than 100 or much more years ago.. In usual Catholic churches in other countries, ceiling would be also decorated in the same way as the wall, here is the ceiling out of combined woods. I remember that I first saw such structure when I was in Verona. We bought some souvenirs for home, I bought some postcards as usual.
Having a coffee at a cafe, it got dark already. We drove back to Biancavilla and as usual we enjoyed dinner at home. We had spaghetti and salad.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Colletta alimentare 食品集め
I noticed that I have completely misunderstood what Sergio explained to me about Saturday's event in Italy. We took breakfast at seven, earlier than usual and went out to go to Nicolosi for volunteer work. The day was for collecting food for food bank in whole Italy and this event started in 1989. Volunteers would ask people for some contribution in front of supermarkets. We set up a desk, made cartons and waited for customers, It was very chilly, maybe the coldest since we arrived in Sicily. Sergio explained to us what we should do: to inform the customers of the event and hand a plastic bag and leaflet in which the aim of this activity is written. People would select products from canned vegetables, meet, tomato, tuna, pasta, rice, sugar or food for infants, and buy and donate them for the food bank.
セルジオがイタリアで土曜日に行われるイベントについて説明してくれたこと、完全に誤解していたのが分かった。 いつもより早く7時に朝食をとり、それからニコロシという街へボランティアをしに向かう。この日はイタリア全土でフードバンクのために食べ物を集める日で、このイベントは1989年に始まった。スーパーマーケットの前でボランティアがお客さんに寄付を募る。我々は机を用意し、ダンボールの箱を仕立て、お客さんを待った。セルジオは我々に、お客さんにイベントについて伝えること、それからビニールの袋とこのイベントの趣旨が書かれたリーフレットを手渡すことの2つを説明する。お客さんは野菜、肉、トマト、ツナの缶詰、パスタ、米、砂糖や赤ちゃん用の食べ物から選んで、それらを買った後にフードバンクに寄付できる。
Relatively many people knew of this event, some people even came for shopping for the donation, gave us all bags they had in their hand. Many people received the bag we gave them and gave us when they went out of the supermarket. First I stand at the exit of the supermarket, thanked people politely for what they gave us. Evelien was standing at the entrance of the supermarket, wanted to speak some Italian to ask customers for the donation, I taught her a short sentence, she wrote it on her hand and repeated some times. Of course customers would have less feeling of caution if a young girl is greeting and ask them for the donation. She did quite well. Maria was also working, sorting products and put them into the carton.
After a short break, Sergio proposed us to visit a small volcano museum in the neighborhood in turn. He asked one of the customers how to get there, I heard she saying that it is simply straight to the museum. Evelien, Ton and I went there together. The small museum had general explanation about the earth, magma plates or volcanoes, and the other part was historical material or display of Mt. Etna and video. Texts were all written in Italian but Evelien and Ton got a booklet written in English. The woman at the museum asked us if we want to watch the movie, we were invited to the movie room. It was documentary film about the eruption of Mt. Etna. We further saw some art work made from lava stone such as cat or awl, then we encountered a swarm of kindergarten kids accompanied by their teacher. We somehow managed to escape from the group.
During the afternoon break of the supermarket from 13:30 to 16:00, we went to Acireale, the city where Sergio was born and his mother is living. We went to a cafe, bought some bread for lunch, sat outside and ordered beer. Bread was fulled with some potato or vegetable. It is not quite common in Austria. I remembered Japanese bread filled with fried noodle or croquette. If I could have told that there is similar things in Japan, Rocco might have said again that Italy and Japan are the same. He seemed to like that we share many things about food.
スーパーは午後13時半から16時まで休憩で、その間に我々はアチレアーレという、セルジオが生まれ育って、彼の母親が住んでいる街に行く。カフェに入ってパンを買い、外に座ってビールを注文する。 パンにはジャガイモやら野菜が詰まっていた。オーストリアではこういうのは一般的じゃない。日本の焼きそばパンやコロッケパンを思い出す。ロッコに、日本にも同じようなものがあると話していたら彼はまた、イタリアと日本は同じなんだと言っていただろう。彼は日本人が同じようなものを食べていることが気に入ったようだ。
While taking pictures outside, talking, an old man on a scooter called me saying that I should be a Japanese, started to explain about his scooter. It seemed that he likes Japanese scooters very much. I listened to him talking to me, he asked me for hand shaking and then drove away. Evelien was watching all that and then came up to me and asked me how I was able to do that. I told her laughing that I am quite famous around there.
Then Sergio showed us the city briefly. A gorgeous baroque church and shops at a narrow street selling vegetables. A dome at a square with a beautiful facade. We took pictures around there, too. We came back to the same cafe again to enjoy gelato. I do not eat ice cream very often but I like Italian gelato very much.
When we were back from our break and arrived at the supermarket again, it was some minutes past 16:00. We started again to hand plastic bags to customers for the donation. It started to get very cold after dark. Many customers told us that they have already done in the morning / noon or at other supermarkets. A female supermarket staff brought us a cup of tea, we asked her to take pictures with us together. She was not really willing to be taken pictures in her working uniform, but we took some pictures quickly before she went back to work.
We still had some empty cartons, from around 18:00 we started again to have customers who seemed to work today and first came to the supermarket for the day. It was cold and we went for a walk in turn to keep ourselves warm. I stand then at the entrance, greeted customers and asked them for their help, explaining the list of products we would like to have.
For dinner, we had macaroni cooked with bean and fine cut onion and vegetable, and grilled chicken. Dutch members bought Limochello and vodka at the supermarket, we opened the bottle and drank them too. Ton asked me for the translation to ask Sergio about the recipe of Limochello. I did not know that Limochello not from lemon juice but only from lemon peel. Then I got a question from Sergio how the sake will be distilled from rice. I explained all of us that sake will be first polished to keep starch inside and then brewed as same as wine.
We talked about how we would spend Sunday. We wanted to visit Taormina and there is no public transportation between Biancavilla and Catania. We talked about taking train from Catania and maybe asked Sergio to drive us to Catania in the morning, but he mentioned that he could show us Taormina. It is his Sunday and we just worried that he had to take so much time for us. We would talk about that tomorrow again at the breakfast. If the weather will be bad, there is no reason to go to Taormina. The weather forecast told that it will be very bad tomorrow.
我々は明日の日曜日どうやって過ごすか話をする。タオルミナに行きたいがビアンカヴィラとカタニアの間には交通機関がない。カタニアからは電車でいけるとして、セルジオにカタニアまで車で送ってくれないかと頼んでみると、かれはタオルミナまで同行してもいいと言う。彼のせっかくの日曜日に時間を採らせるのは心苦しい気がしたが、また明日の朝食のときに話をすることにする。 天気が悪ければタオルミナに行ってもしょうがない。天気予報では悪天候が予想されていた。
セルジオがイタリアで土曜日に行われるイベントについて説明してくれたこと、完全に誤解していたのが分かった。 いつもより早く7時に朝食をとり、それからニコロシという街へボランティアをしに向かう。この日はイタリア全土でフードバンクのために食べ物を集める日で、このイベントは1989年に始まった。スーパーマーケットの前でボランティアがお客さんに寄付を募る。我々は机を用意し、ダンボールの箱を仕立て、お客さんを待った。セルジオは我々に、お客さんにイベントについて伝えること、それからビニールの袋とこのイベントの趣旨が書かれたリーフレットを手渡すことの2つを説明する。お客さんは野菜、肉、トマト、ツナの缶詰、パスタ、米、砂糖や赤ちゃん用の食べ物から選んで、それらを買った後にフードバンクに寄付できる。
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Grazie per aiuta! |
During the afternoon break of the supermarket from 13:30 to 16:00, we went to Acireale, the city where Sergio was born and his mother is living. We went to a cafe, bought some bread for lunch, sat outside and ordered beer. Bread was fulled with some potato or vegetable. It is not quite common in Austria. I remembered Japanese bread filled with fried noodle or croquette. If I could have told that there is similar things in Japan, Rocco might have said again that Italy and Japan are the same. He seemed to like that we share many things about food.
スーパーは午後13時半から16時まで休憩で、その間に我々はアチレアーレという、セルジオが生まれ育って、彼の母親が住んでいる街に行く。カフェに入ってパンを買い、外に座ってビールを注文する。 パンにはジャガイモやら野菜が詰まっていた。オーストリアではこういうのは一般的じゃない。日本の焼きそばパンやコロッケパンを思い出す。ロッコに、日本にも同じようなものがあると話していたら彼はまた、イタリアと日本は同じなんだと言っていただろう。彼は日本人が同じようなものを食べていることが気に入ったようだ。
While taking pictures outside, talking, an old man on a scooter called me saying that I should be a Japanese, started to explain about his scooter. It seemed that he likes Japanese scooters very much. I listened to him talking to me, he asked me for hand shaking and then drove away. Evelien was watching all that and then came up to me and asked me how I was able to do that. I told her laughing that I am quite famous around there.
Then Sergio showed us the city briefly. A gorgeous baroque church and shops at a narrow street selling vegetables. A dome at a square with a beautiful facade. We took pictures around there, too. We came back to the same cafe again to enjoy gelato. I do not eat ice cream very often but I like Italian gelato very much.
When we were back from our break and arrived at the supermarket again, it was some minutes past 16:00. We started again to hand plastic bags to customers for the donation. It started to get very cold after dark. Many customers told us that they have already done in the morning / noon or at other supermarkets. A female supermarket staff brought us a cup of tea, we asked her to take pictures with us together. She was not really willing to be taken pictures in her working uniform, but we took some pictures quickly before she went back to work.
We still had some empty cartons, from around 18:00 we started again to have customers who seemed to work today and first came to the supermarket for the day. It was cold and we went for a walk in turn to keep ourselves warm. I stand then at the entrance, greeted customers and asked them for their help, explaining the list of products we would like to have.
For dinner, we had macaroni cooked with bean and fine cut onion and vegetable, and grilled chicken. Dutch members bought Limochello and vodka at the supermarket, we opened the bottle and drank them too. Ton asked me for the translation to ask Sergio about the recipe of Limochello. I did not know that Limochello not from lemon juice but only from lemon peel. Then I got a question from Sergio how the sake will be distilled from rice. I explained all of us that sake will be first polished to keep starch inside and then brewed as same as wine.
我々は明日の日曜日どうやって過ごすか話をする。タオルミナに行きたいがビアンカヴィラとカタニアの間には交通機関がない。カタニアからは電車でいけるとして、セルジオにカタニアまで車で送ってくれないかと頼んでみると、かれはタオルミナまで同行してもいいと言う。彼のせっかくの日曜日に時間を採らせるのは心苦しい気がしたが、また明日の朝食のときに話をすることにする。 天気が悪ければタオルミナに行ってもしょうがない。天気予報では悪天候が予想されていた。
Friday, November 26, 2010
Sansa サンサ
We started our work with loading sansa bags upstairs. There were much more left at the place where we collected sansa and put them into hamp bags, we brought back only some with us. Bags were around 40 or 50kg, I assume, some are much heavier and we carried them in two. Then we started cutting wood in proper size for boiler which we gathered while cutting off branches of trees around olive trees for the better growth, mixing chip and sansa to feed boiler and nailing wooden plate to the wall of the storage house. As Jan is good at building houses, we worked in two groups, Jan and Kim worked on the storage house whose both side wall were still completely open to cover them with wooden plate, Evelien, Ton and I mixed chip and sannsa for boiler. While we were working, cats and dogs were playing around all the time. It was fun to watch while they were playing together. Two very little cats were so cute, a naughty dog which is always trying to tease other cats or dogs. Sometimes Dutch members took pictures while we were working. Well, we may not have chances to work on something like that. It is a rare experience including me. Physical labor brings us less stress than office work, for sure.
Today's lunch was risotto. We started our lunch time talk with rice issue. If Dutch people would eat rice a lot, which kind of rice there are and so on. Some years ago I saw huge rice fields in Novara in Piemonte which reminded me of Japanese landscape. When I told them about that and some of Japanese rice sold in Europe is from Piemonte, Sergio told me some other places in Italy where rice is produced.
After the lunch we started our work, going back to collect sansa again with Rocco, while Jan and Kim were working on storage house. We took some more new hamp bags with us, shaveled sansa into them. When we were back with fully loaded car in the back with hamp bags, it was already dark and Jan was working under the light. We again carried the bags upstairs. My hand slowly started to work well. I was finally able to grab a big beer glass with beer inside last week after being free from gips, and now I can do much more. It is still very weak and cannot grab like with my left hand, I have to take time for the rehabilitation.
There were some time until dinner might start. We gathered at dinner table and listened to the music in our mp3 players. I was reading a book or correctly saying I tried to read a book which I brought from home. Carmela saw me reading my book and asked if the book written in Japanese. It was a German book. I told her that it is true that with languages I was able to experience much more fun.
Maria called me from the kitchen waving her hand toward me. She was folding pancake and making crape and showed me.I stand beside Carmela while she was cooking and told her that I like really the pots she used for cooking. I carried cooking ceramic pots from Japan and we use them to cook soup especially in winter. Then she asked me several things, if I have my own family in Austria or I have already somebody. I told her that I am alone. It was quite natural for her to ask me why. I told her honestly what I had in my mind. She seemed to understand very well what I meant. I could have said some jokes upon her simple and honest question, but I did not feel like she touched my private issue, I felt quite easy to talk to her about it.
While waiting for dinner all of us was listening to the music in our mp3 players. Jan asked me if I knew Matsu Kaiko, Japanese musician, I said no. Then he showed me his IPod panel, it turned out to be Keiko Matsui, a Japanese female piano player whose CDs I like. I told him of one of her greatest hit album, and I also tried to remember the name of a Japanese Jazz pianist which I was not able to remember then. It was Hiromi Uehara which I succeeded to recall after some time.
Dinner was potato with pork, salad and sweets which Maria was working for. I also saw nameko mushroom on the table, it was marinated with olive oil and chili pepper. I see several regional dishes quite similar to Japanese, I would never have troubles with cooking if I were living in Sicily.
Kim & Jan @ work |
With Ton |
After the lunch we started our work, going back to collect sansa again with Rocco, while Jan and Kim were working on storage house. We took some more new hamp bags with us, shaveled sansa into them. When we were back with fully loaded car in the back with hamp bags, it was already dark and Jan was working under the light. We again carried the bags upstairs. My hand slowly started to work well. I was finally able to grab a big beer glass with beer inside last week after being free from gips, and now I can do much more. It is still very weak and cannot grab like with my left hand, I have to take time for the rehabilitation.
Jan@work |
There were some time until dinner might start. We gathered at dinner table and listened to the music in our mp3 players. I was reading a book or correctly saying I tried to read a book which I brought from home. Carmela saw me reading my book and asked if the book written in Japanese. It was a German book. I told her that it is true that with languages I was able to experience much more fun.
Maria called me from the kitchen waving her hand toward me. She was folding pancake and making crape and showed me.I stand beside Carmela while she was cooking and told her that I like really the pots she used for cooking. I carried cooking ceramic pots from Japan and we use them to cook soup especially in winter. Then she asked me several things, if I have my own family in Austria or I have already somebody. I told her that I am alone. It was quite natural for her to ask me why. I told her honestly what I had in my mind. She seemed to understand very well what I meant. I could have said some jokes upon her simple and honest question, but I did not feel like she touched my private issue, I felt quite easy to talk to her about it.
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Maria@work |
Dinner was potato with pork, salad and sweets which Maria was working for. I also saw nameko mushroom on the table, it was marinated with olive oil and chili pepper. I see several regional dishes quite similar to Japanese, I would never have troubles with cooking if I were living in Sicily.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Olive factory オリーブ工場
Carmela told us that winter had come. It was chilly outside.
After finishing collecting olive yesterday, we had no more work with olive. Today, we went to a place in Biankavilla where sansa is stored and we brought them back home. We stuff the sansa with shovel into hamp bags. During the simple work we found lots of larva of beetle or even beetle and centipede which Rocco warned us not to touch with bare hands. It reminded me of my childhood that I went to chip center to look for beetle larva, but it seemed that it was the first time to see them for some Dutch members.
Sansa should be dry according to Sergio, but I had no idea for what we can use the sansa. Sergio and Rocco had different opinion how “dry” it should be or the sansa we collected is suitable for them or not. There were some bags with holes, and I already knew how to say “no”, “bag with hole” or “thank you” in Dutch and I unintentionally made Dutch members laugh.
We took a short break around 11:00, we brought a basket with tea, fruits and pane with olive oil and garlic, which was just a simple one but really very good. I always thought till now that Italian pane is not suitable to eat in that way like French baguette but I had found an exception.
We piled up about 50 bags, once took them back home and take more hamp bags, we continued to stuff bags with sansa. When we back home again with bags on the back of the car, we put the bags on the wooden palette and covered with plastic film to avoid being wet by rain. It was almost the time for lunch.
We ate spaghetti, salad from yesterday and new tomato salad, and some bread stuffed with vegetables or ham and cheese. Seeing me take spaghetti and tomato on the plate at the same time, Rocco mentioned that Japanese would eat as American people, and for Italian people there is an order to eat. There was also a stuff which looks like terrine of meat on the table, Rocco asked me if I know it, which is called satto in Sicily. It was made of cows and pigs feet which are formed with gelatin. When I told him that we also cook the similar one but usually pig's, he mentioned that Italy and Japan are the same. Then Agata and Carmela asked me for example if we eat squid or black pasta, which will make our teeth and tongues black. I added that Japanese like Italian dishes very much and black pasta or risotto is quite popular in Japan, and that we usually eat organ too to make shiokara, conservation food. As Rocco asked me if we often eat organs, I told him about horulmon, Japanese expression which means “something to throw away”, organs and we often eat the part of meat which can never be served at good restaurants. He mentioned that Japanese would eat whales and about Green peace, and asked me if I had ever ate whale meat. I told him that Green peace is crazy, and he talked to his mother laughing what I said. I tried to explain about the issue that it is very pity that Japanese organization reported the fabricated number of whales they caught. However Europeans actually used the number of observed whales which Japanese ships collected for more than 30 years. It is not fair just to ignore without doing any research by themselves. Actually I wanted to say more but my Italian is still not good enough to tell them all properly.
I asked Carmela the question I had from yesterday, why she got to learn Shinto and it was just a surprise for me that she knew that, telling her that I can never expect such people in Austria. She told me that she reads Japanese novels very much and told me of the Story of Genji written by Murasaki Shikibu and also other Japanese novelists such as Kawabata, then she fetched books to book shelf to show me. But still she had not read Yoshimoto Banana.
I thought we would go back again to fetch bags we left after the lunch, Sergio drove us to a big storage where rice, biscuit or pasta is pile up which would be used for this coming Saturday. He explained to me that products or crops exceeding best period to be eaten, would be collected and brought to storages in whole Italy and sent to cloisters or people in poverty, Yesterday I had no idea about the event of Saturday which Sergio mentioned but finally it was very clear for me. I also explained to Dutch members what Sergio told us. Maybe we would help them to do something on Saturday.
After that, I again thought that Sergio procure a transporter to fetch olive rest bags and bring them back home, but he drove us to the olive company we visited yesterday. They were producing olive oil and machines were in operation.
Many cases that were filled with olives were piled up on wall, many people were also there to bring their harvest to have their olive oil done at the factory. We all took pictures of machines in work and waited for Sergio's olive would be processed.
It was of course the first time for me to see the fresh olive oil. It looked more green than that we can buy at supermarkets. The son of the factory's manager who explained us yesterday about the process, again explained the process flow with facility under operation. We ordered some bottles of olive oil, he fetched bottles and filled them from the storage tank, then took us to the room to cap, seal and label the bottle. Kim was allowed to do the work, it was very interesting. The olives which we collected in four days resulted in 54kg of oil, amount of 59.4 litters. It should have been a very bad year for Sergio with olives, but he repeatedly told us that good and bad year came in turn. I really wish that he would have a nice harvest next year.
For dinner we had soup, salad and big panne stuffed with something inside. Carmela already learned that I am very curious about anything, let me guess what might be inside saying that it should not be meat so that Evelien can also eat. It was stuffed with onion, leeks and something others, it was very delicious. Maria mentioned there is also some sweets, which Carmela corrected as desserts, a plate with donuts was served on which Maria worked. Again I wanted to thank her for that, I asked her if she wanted an origami frog. She once told me “tomorrow” but she changed her mind after some minutes, I asked her for paper. Carmela gave me a sheet of Kent paper, I made a frog. Kim asked me where I learned that, I explained to all of others that we would fold swan and collect 1000 then bring to the hospital if a classmate would stay in hospital for long time wishing his/her quick recovery. Nobody there knew “swan” and I did not know Italian word for that, I had to describe it and I was not sure if they got it. Maria asked me if I can do something else, I asked her if she knows Picachu and I can do that. Picachu is already universal. Maybe next week, I would have time to do that for her.
After finishing collecting olive yesterday, we had no more work with olive. Today, we went to a place in Biankavilla where sansa is stored and we brought them back home. We stuff the sansa with shovel into hamp bags. During the simple work we found lots of larva of beetle or even beetle and centipede which Rocco warned us not to touch with bare hands. It reminded me of my childhood that I went to chip center to look for beetle larva, but it seemed that it was the first time to see them for some Dutch members.
Sansa should be dry according to Sergio, but I had no idea for what we can use the sansa. Sergio and Rocco had different opinion how “dry” it should be or the sansa we collected is suitable for them or not. There were some bags with holes, and I already knew how to say “no”, “bag with hole” or “thank you” in Dutch and I unintentionally made Dutch members laugh.
We took a short break around 11:00, we brought a basket with tea, fruits and pane with olive oil and garlic, which was just a simple one but really very good. I always thought till now that Italian pane is not suitable to eat in that way like French baguette but I had found an exception.
We piled up about 50 bags, once took them back home and take more hamp bags, we continued to stuff bags with sansa. When we back home again with bags on the back of the car, we put the bags on the wooden palette and covered with plastic film to avoid being wet by rain. It was almost the time for lunch.
We ate spaghetti, salad from yesterday and new tomato salad, and some bread stuffed with vegetables or ham and cheese. Seeing me take spaghetti and tomato on the plate at the same time, Rocco mentioned that Japanese would eat as American people, and for Italian people there is an order to eat. There was also a stuff which looks like terrine of meat on the table, Rocco asked me if I know it, which is called satto in Sicily. It was made of cows and pigs feet which are formed with gelatin. When I told him that we also cook the similar one but usually pig's, he mentioned that Italy and Japan are the same. Then Agata and Carmela asked me for example if we eat squid or black pasta, which will make our teeth and tongues black. I added that Japanese like Italian dishes very much and black pasta or risotto is quite popular in Japan, and that we usually eat organ too to make shiokara, conservation food. As Rocco asked me if we often eat organs, I told him about horulmon, Japanese expression which means “something to throw away”, organs and we often eat the part of meat which can never be served at good restaurants. He mentioned that Japanese would eat whales and about Green peace, and asked me if I had ever ate whale meat. I told him that Green peace is crazy, and he talked to his mother laughing what I said. I tried to explain about the issue that it is very pity that Japanese organization reported the fabricated number of whales they caught. However Europeans actually used the number of observed whales which Japanese ships collected for more than 30 years. It is not fair just to ignore without doing any research by themselves. Actually I wanted to say more but my Italian is still not good enough to tell them all properly.
I asked Carmela the question I had from yesterday, why she got to learn Shinto and it was just a surprise for me that she knew that, telling her that I can never expect such people in Austria. She told me that she reads Japanese novels very much and told me of the Story of Genji written by Murasaki Shikibu and also other Japanese novelists such as Kawabata, then she fetched books to book shelf to show me. But still she had not read Yoshimoto Banana.
I thought we would go back again to fetch bags we left after the lunch, Sergio drove us to a big storage where rice, biscuit or pasta is pile up which would be used for this coming Saturday. He explained to me that products or crops exceeding best period to be eaten, would be collected and brought to storages in whole Italy and sent to cloisters or people in poverty, Yesterday I had no idea about the event of Saturday which Sergio mentioned but finally it was very clear for me. I also explained to Dutch members what Sergio told us. Maybe we would help them to do something on Saturday.
After that, I again thought that Sergio procure a transporter to fetch olive rest bags and bring them back home, but he drove us to the olive company we visited yesterday. They were producing olive oil and machines were in operation.
Many cases that were filled with olives were piled up on wall, many people were also there to bring their harvest to have their olive oil done at the factory. We all took pictures of machines in work and waited for Sergio's olive would be processed.
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