Thursday, November 25, 2010

Olive factory オリーブ工場

Carmela told us that winter had come. It was chilly outside.
After finishing collecting olive yesterday, we had no more work with olive. Today, we went to a place in Biankavilla where sansa is stored and we brought them back home. We stuff the sansa with shovel into hamp bags. During the simple work we found lots of larva of beetle or even beetle and centipede which Rocco warned us not to touch with bare hands. It reminded me of my childhood that I went to chip center to look for beetle larva, but it seemed that it was the first time to see them for some Dutch members.


Sansa should be dry according to Sergio, but I had no idea for what we can use the sansa. Sergio and Rocco had different opinion how “dry” it should be or the sansa we collected is suitable for them or not. There were some bags with holes, and I already knew how to say “no”, “bag with hole” or “thank you” in Dutch and I unintentionally made Dutch members laugh.


We took a short break around 11:00, we brought a basket with tea, fruits and pane with olive oil and garlic, which was just a simple one but really very good. I always thought till now that Italian pane is not suitable to eat in that way like French baguette but I had found an exception.


We piled up about 50 bags, once took them back home and take more hamp bags, we continued to stuff bags with sansa. When we back home again with bags on the back of the car, we put the bags on the wooden palette and covered with plastic film to avoid being wet by rain. It was almost the time for lunch.


We ate spaghetti, salad from yesterday and new tomato salad, and some bread stuffed with vegetables or ham and cheese. Seeing me take spaghetti and tomato on the plate at the same time, Rocco mentioned that Japanese would eat as American people, and for Italian people there is an order to eat. There was also a stuff which looks like terrine of meat on the table, Rocco asked me if I know it, which is called satto in Sicily. It was made of cows and pigs feet which are formed with gelatin. When I told him that we also cook the similar one but usually pig's, he mentioned that Italy and Japan are the same. Then Agata and Carmela asked me for example if we eat squid or black pasta, which will make our teeth and tongues black. I added that Japanese like Italian dishes very much and black pasta or risotto is quite popular in Japan, and that we usually eat organ too to make shiokara, conservation food. As Rocco asked me if we often eat organs, I told him about horulmon, Japanese expression which means “something to throw away”, organs and we often eat the part of meat which can never be served at good restaurants. He mentioned that Japanese would eat whales and about Green peace, and asked me if I had ever ate whale meat. I told him that Green peace is crazy, and he talked to his mother laughing what I said. I tried to explain about the issue that it is very pity that Japanese organization reported the fabricated number of whales they caught. However Europeans actually used the number of observed whales which Japanese ships collected for more than 30 years. It is not fair just to ignore without doing any research by themselves. Actually I wanted to say more but my Italian is still not good enough to tell them all properly.


I asked Carmela the question I had from yesterday, why she got to learn Shinto and it was just a surprise for me that she knew that, telling her that I can never expect such people in Austria. She told me that she reads Japanese novels very much and told me of the Story of Genji written by Murasaki Shikibu and also other Japanese novelists such as Kawabata, then she fetched books to book shelf to show me. But still she had not read Yoshimoto Banana.


I thought we would go back again to fetch bags we left after the lunch, Sergio drove us to a big storage where rice, biscuit or pasta is pile up which would be used for this coming Saturday. He explained to me that products or crops exceeding best period to be eaten, would be collected and brought to storages in whole Italy and sent to cloisters or people in poverty, Yesterday I had no idea about the event of Saturday which Sergio mentioned but finally it was very clear for me. I also explained to Dutch members what Sergio told us. Maybe we would help them to do something on Saturday.


After that, I again thought that Sergio procure a transporter to fetch olive rest bags and bring them back home, but he drove us to the olive company we visited yesterday. They were producing olive oil and machines were in operation.


Many cases that were filled with olives were piled up on wall, many people were also there to bring their harvest to have their olive oil done at the factory. We all took pictures of machines in work and waited for Sergio's olive would be processed.


It was of course the first time for me to see the fresh olive oil. It looked more green than that we can buy at supermarkets. The son of the factory's manager who explained us yesterday about the process, again explained the process flow with facility under operation. We ordered some bottles of olive oil, he fetched bottles and filled them from the storage tank, then took us to the room to cap, seal and label the bottle. Kim was allowed to do the work, it was very interesting. The olives which we collected in four days resulted in 54kg of oil, amount of 59.4 litters. It should have been a very bad year for Sergio with olives, but he repeatedly told us that good and bad year came in turn. I really wish that he would have a nice harvest next year.


For dinner we had soup, salad and big panne stuffed with something inside. Carmela already learned that I am very curious about anything, let me guess what might be inside saying that it should not be meat so that Evelien can also eat. It was stuffed with onion, leeks and something others, it was very delicious. Maria mentioned there is also some sweets, which Carmela corrected as desserts, a plate with donuts was served on which Maria worked. Again I wanted to thank her for that, I asked her if she wanted an origami frog. She once told me “tomorrow” but she changed her mind after some minutes, I asked her for paper. Carmela gave me a sheet of Kent paper, I made a frog. Kim asked me where I learned that, I explained to all of others that we would fold swan and collect 1000 then bring to the hospital if a classmate would stay in hospital for long time wishing his/her quick recovery. Nobody there knew “swan” and I did not know Italian word for that, I had to describe it and I was not sure if they got it. Maria asked me if I can do something else, I asked her if she knows Picachu and I can do that. Picachu is already universal. Maybe next week, I would have time to do that for her.


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