Traveling in Japan is not especially cheap as a traveler, even for Japanese. I would go to Hiroshima, Nagoya and Tokyo except my home town Gifu where my parents live. When I wrote to my friends about my schedule in Japan, I mentioned that room offer for a night or two is very welcome. He was the first one to reply me that I am more than welcomed to stay at his apartment. I knew that he married a Japanese woman and has a small daughter by New Year card, but never met before. And he asked me if I would like to go Onsen with them for a night. I responded that it would be fine because I did not want to be busy but just feel relaxed and enjoy talk with them.
On the meeting day, he picked me up at nearby station, once leaving some baggage at his house we headed toward Chichibu in Saitama prefecture. Maruyama-Kohsen is our destination. He is cyclist and he often went there by bicycle! I did not go to onsen ryokan for long time; the last one should be the one in Shimane when I went there with my friends to enjoy crabs more than 15 years ago. Onsen is quite popular when we go skiing in Japan, apres ski is usually to go to onsen to loosen the muscle and feel relaxed.
待ち合わせの日、彼は最寄り駅にピックアップに現れた。一旦大きい荷物を家に降ろした後、すぐさま埼玉県の秩父に直行する。丸山鉱泉が目的地。彼は自転車乗りで、これまでそこへ自転車で行ってたらしい! 温泉旅館にはしばらく行ってなかった。最後に行ったのは、15年以上も前に、島根の温泉旅館に友達と一緒にカニを楽しみに行ったくらいだ。日本では温泉はスキーに行くときには外せない。アフタースキーは温泉に行って筋肉をほぐし、リラックスする。
Living in Europe, I got to know many people that know somehow about Japan. Many of them cannot understand onsen, especially kon-yoku (bath for both man and woman together) to take bath without bathing suite. Actually the public bath got wall between men and women when European came to Japan and blamed for its public morals. And what happened in Europe after that? They enjoy sauna with both men and women completely naked while they still feel something odd with onsen in Japan. There are some people from other countries that find onsen very nice from the beginning and love it. My friend is one of such foreigners. In Japan there is a phrase Hadaka no tsukiai (friendship or relation ready to show them naked), to share the bath (they do not drain after taking bath, they wash their body out of bath tub) is the nearest way to get closer to Japanese people. In Taiwan there are onsens whose atmosphare is quite similar to the ones in Japan. I think I am quite open to anything but due to my appearance and cultural background as a Japanese, I would be sometimes blocked by others. Just to be friends might be easy but usually I cannot expect any further. I experienced that much enough in Europe until now.
Before having dinner, we went to take the bath. Sooo goood! I almost forgot how good onsen was! Then we enjoyed dinner in a huge tatami room for only four people, was wonderful dinner, talking about anything. We tried to compensate our memory gap, telling what happened after that from both sides. Returning to our common room, where our futon was already prepared as usual for onsen ryokan, we talked over wine and cheese. And it coninued when we again went out to take the second bath for the day. The Orion was so clear to see, sitting at outside bath looking up the sky with full of stars was wonderful.
Next morning, woke up at around 6, I went out again to take bath. Some people were already there. The weather was very fine and the sun is about to come out from the mountain. Watching the shade was slowly disappearing, I stayed in bath almost for an hour. My friend came to the bath after a half of an hour, he takes onsen as Japanese would do and knows what that is. The breakfast was typical one for a ryokan hotel at mountain side. Living in Japan and enjoying onsen and eating natto, he is not just a Canadian any more.
I saw plum trees were in bloom even in January in Chichibu where it is usually cold. Watching plum for a while, I wished that I would be able to return to Japan in cherry blossom time for my next time.
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