Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kamaishi city Shirahama, Iwate 岩手県釜石市白浜

Over the weekend, we all went to Shirahama district, about 20 minutes further toward the edge of peninsula  from Hakosaki district. I heard that Magokoro Net used to work in June, but the local people told us after a while that we should go to the other region where there were still lots of troubles, because we did to some extent already. This time, after some months we were actually invited to the local festival for two days. And of course we worked too.


There was a small current in the middle of the district but with lots of trashes. To clean up the current was our two days' task. The district is situated on very steep slope. I heard that 40 houses were fully damaged out of 126, there are still more than 20 people lost.


The first day, I was asked to work as a camera man to take pictures of our working. Last week when Mr.T left Tono after long time we hold a party at gymnasium and I took out my camera and took their pictures, the team leader remembered that and asked me in person to take pictures at festival.


While cleaning the current, local women groups were preparing dishes for us. Some of us also help them.


The lunch for the first day was curry rice and ton-jiru. At the site dancers were also preparing.


They told us that we can have as much as we want, and I did eat three times for both curry and soup without and retention. Well, I really ate a lot! Then we enjoyed watching the traditional one.


The next day we continued our work at the current, then Yosakoi Soran dance was shown. Three groups from Ohshu-shi, Aomori and Akita came for the occasion.


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