Monday, November 7, 2011

Yamada-cho, Iwate 岩手県山田町

It was Monday and they settled Mondays their holiday since November. Howerver, there was a one-day task in Yamada cho where Magokoro net goes for the first time. When I registered my membership yesterday, I was recommended to join the activitiy.


It took about two hours by bus to Yamada cho from the base in Tono. The chairman of eldery group in Yamada cho asked directly (usually they can ask local social welfare office or publich local volunteer center) Magokoro net to help them make flower gardens along the route 45 on the coast which connects Kamaishi and Hachinohe city. The work starts from pulling out left over roots of street trees (of course trees were washed away), pick up crashed glasses, roof panels and of course pulling of weeds and cleaning pavement along the road. It was about 100m on the both sides of the road.


Before we start to work, we paied one minute's silent tribute to the victims of the disaster. As mentioned that Magokoro net started to take holiday on Mondays since November, it seemed that the situation started to get stable now. But as far as I saw from the bus when we went through Kamaishi city, there were still lots of houses untouched and still lots of hands are necessary to clean these houses. On the walls of these houses I saw painted signs such as crosses or crosses with circle on them. It means that victims were found (cross) and then collected (cross with circle). There were also flags stuck in the ground with red or yellow; red means the house should be completely distroyed (no way to reuse) and yellow means that the house will be used after cleaning inside.


We worked in 8 groups and about 7 people each. There was a team from Kanagawa. The poles of traffic sign were pulled out of the ground by the tsunami, crash barrier or handrail along the streets were bent in odd directions. We raked the ground first to gather crashed glasses, and dug up when we found roots that lost their trunk by tsunami. Then we raked the soil even and pulled up weeds.


At lunch time I bought hoka hoka bento near by and bought nori-bento, Japanese classic for the first time in more than 10 years. It was wonderful! We worked for about 5 hours, gardens and streets looked much more beautiful and were ready to have flowers. Before we left Yamada cho, the chairman thanked us for our work and brought a panel to thank our work put on the street. Not bad to work only to be said "thank you".


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