Sunday, November 13, 2011

Open House オープンハウス

I was working for preparing for the Open House event in volunteer center where we are staying to how how we were staying here and what we were actually doing especially for disaster victims that are currently live in temporal houses. We set tents and tables for customers for the event.


It is not so easy to talk to people who actually lost their children, relatives or their houses even after 8 months. And I knew that I am not really good at doing this. I pefered to work without saying anything, just showing such people how I work and how the place look like after my work. Here, I am not a hero or something but the people who used to live the place where they belonged to. I really hate to be eroquent in such the place, but just that I came here from Vienna to do some small thing for them.


There were lots of utensiles, dishes sent from somewhere in Japan, we also offered them free for the invited guests. Lots of people were interested in that, I was very busy wrapping what they wanted. After a while, it were time for me to have a break. I happened to be spoken by a man. He supposed to be middle 50 or more. I was to have my lunch at a table we actually prepared for our guest. Actually he was not a taklative man but just wanted to tell me that I was trying to sit where he reserved for his wife.


Slowly we started to talk. Then after a while his wife joined. They were from Kamaishi but they lost their house completely and now living in temopral house in Tono. I talked them about our living, where we sleep, how we live our daily life. I always kept my mind not to tell about myself from me, but when I told them that I come from Vienna, they became so curious about me and started to ask me quite a lot. After asking me of lots of question, they started to tell about themselves.

少しずつお互いに話し始める。すぐに彼の奥さんがやってきた。釜石の人らしいが、家が完全になくなってしまったようで、今は遠野の仮設住宅に住んでいるらしい。彼らにはボランティアがここでどういう風に住んでいるか説明する。どこで寝て、毎日どういったことをして過ごしているかなど。自分のことを自分から話すのだけは避けようと 、常に頭の隅において。ウィーンから来た事を伝えると、彼らのほうが興味を持ち始めて、こちらにいろんな質問を浴びせかけてきた。こちらにいろんな質問をした後で、彼らは少しづつ自分のことについて話してくれた。

The man likes to paint as I do, his wife likes classic music. But they lost their passion after losing his paintings and classic CDs. Before I said something for that they continuously asked me of questions such as if I feel lonely living in Europe alone, what I would cook and eat and so on just as my parents would ask me. Actually my parents know quite well that I am doing so because I want it, they will not ask such question to me. I have never complained anything about my life in front of them.


I told them honestly the same. I live in Europe because I have chosen to do so and I am responsible for my decision. I have to feel happy with my decision or I have to look for other way to feel happier. I do not want to blame for others for that. Therefore always try to feel happy and do any effort for that. It seemed tp me that it stroke their feeling. They told me that they felt ashamed to hear that.


He told me about his dream; to make a book out of his works. I told him mine too to make a book out of my works. I told his wife that she can visit me in Vienna to listen to live classic music. I do not know how seriously she took my tale.


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